A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with an American company, B9Creations, after having purchased from them, full-size replicas of the iconic Robot, from the classic TV series, LOST IN SPACE, for my personal collection. While only short-lived, it was terrifically interesting introduction to manufacturing a consumer item in numbers.
Richard Molnar:
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work with an American company, B9Creations, after having purchased from them, full-size replicas of the iconic Robot, from the classic TV series, LOST IN SPACE, for my personal collection. While only short-lived, it was terrifically interesting introduction to manufacturing a consumer item in numbers.
"S.T.A.R. Labs innovation marches on!"
An authentic take on a first generation, handheld energy-weapon. ![]() Features wireless remote control of the front and rear facing LED indicators. Remote functions include "ON", "OFF", "RED", or "FLASHING GREEN". Originally, custom modified for the TV series ARROW, these units are now available to rent (2-available). The ARROW Prop Department rented our simulated "Portable Encrypted Computer" for inclusion in a recent episode. Although the prop possessed operational LED status indicators, the LCD display is actually non-functional. No problem. Rather than "burning-in" an image in post production, they simply dropped a suitably sized notebook computer on top and voilà… an operational display. Clever boys!
![]() Nasty tech, but somebody got to build it! Featured integrated, simulated, electrical arching effects, provided by Steve Genser, of Robotic Effects. ![]() Fictitious design, intended to portray a device capable of warning against biological and/or chemical hazards. New in our "Public Safety" section. ![]() Richard Molnar: Propology had nothing to do with the production of this item. I simply was asked by a client to produce 5 simplified replicas of this scanner for use on a set in, deep-background. It's so beautiful however, I just had to share the photographs I'd taken, that were used to produce vinyl graphics. As always, Steve's work is OUTSTANDING! This item is available to rent from his company, ROBOTIC EFFECTS
![]() Features an operational "POWER" LED indicator, and a LED backlit analogue meter. The meter indicator is controlled off-camera, via a cabled remote control. "Mobile-phone-triggered" and "hand-grenade-like"
simulated explosive devices! ![]() Features a motorized specimen-chamber, fabricated from aluminium and stainless-steel, as well as user-triggered, sequentially controlled, LED indicators. Lots of fun to build! Tabletop SEM - ARROW from PROPOLOGY on Vimeo. ![]() The ARROW Prop Department provided 4 plastic Halloween skeleton decorations, to be enhanced and modified to exhibit gross genetic mutations. The finished project was well received by production, and was considered to be an effective and inexpensive way, to meet this particular story requirement. An existing rental inventory "scanner device" was modified and expanded upon to Prop Department specification. Features included a functional tablet computer interface module, and an autonomous ultrasonic distancing circuit, that continuously reads-out distance information,
via a graphic/numeric display. Built as a "custom rental" for the TV series ARROW. Features include 3-status LEDs, that are controlled off-camera, via wireless RF remote. Built by PROPOLOGY as a stock rental item, this device has recently been rented by the TV series ARROW,
for use in their on-going "foundry" set. ![]() Features a LED bar-graph & numeric display, that changes in response to an actual working, ultrasonic distancing circuit. Update 07/18/2013: This item has been modified and expanded upon to become a key prop for the television series ARROW. As it is being produced as a "custom rental", this new device will be soon available to rent from us.
Produced for the TV series pilot INTELLIGENCE. This is the 2nd, of two approved designs PROPOLOGY provided, and is the screen-used version.
Each unit needed to appear as an integrated part of the scope, without causing any modification or damage to the Armorer provided rental unit. ![]() Featured self-contained, LED "shimmer" effect. Two of these tiny devices (less than 1" wide) were produced overnight, when it was determined that the previously approved version (Type 1- also provided by PROPOLOGY) was not small enough to suit the story requirement. Built for the TV series ARROW. |
PROPOLOGY Production Continuum
Here you can see some of our current and past projects, as well as new additions to our growing rental inventory! Categories
We Need Your Input
It's our goal to create an archive that showcases our prop building history. Our company, formally known as MOLNAR MOTION PICTURE PROPS, INC., has produced countless items since its creation in 1987. Much of our earliest prop builds still exist, and can be found in various prop rental houses, or in the hands of private collectors. If you know the current whereabouts of, or can provide any production anecdotes pertaining to any of the items listed in the early posts, please let us know. We will expand upon the archive on a ongoing basis as information becomes available. We appreciate your valuable contribution! Archives
June 2018